At Noggin the Brain People, brain health is personal. On this International Women's Day, I choose to challenge that we have to accept the brains we have and the idea that whatever happens, happens. When our family was faced with dealing with MS, Epilepsy, Alzheimers and Anxiety, I learned that there was more we can do to help the health of our brains. I initially thought the only options were to take the prescribed medication and wait and see what happens next. On uncovering more about how we can impact the health of our brain by everyday lifestyle choices, I realised there was a lot more to brain health than meets the eye.
Let’s get this clear - Brain Health is a thing. Like heart health and skin health, brain health is an aspect of medicine that unfortunately only becomes talked about when things start to go wrong.
We think about healthy developing brains for our babies and children and talk about the importance of DHA, eating more fish and encouraging time in the fresh air. Then most of us don’t think about our brains until we get into midlife or even older and start worrying about memory changes and brain fog.
I want to change this with our mission at Noggin The Brain People. Our brains need looking after and supporting at every age and stage of life and we can do this every day. With the worrying statistics around mental health this has never been more important. Caring for our brains also means we care for our minds.
Our building blocks to better brain health include nutrition, having a purpose, building connections, gut health, movement, rest and sleep. By looking at small everyday science supported ways we can improve these areas of our lives, we can help ourselves care for our noggins and the noggins of those we care about most.
Dr Clara