Noggin Nugget- Serotonin

Noggin Nugget- Serotonin

Bite size brain facts to help us understand what we can do to help our amazing brains. Serotonin is a so called neuro transmitter- a chemical that helps brain cells communicate. Serotonin is involved in regulating mood, sleep anxiety and appetite. Balanced serotonin levels help our mood, our digestion and help us sleep. 

Bite size brain facts to help us understand what we can do to help our amazing brains

Serotonin is a so called neuro transmitter- a chemical that helps brain cells communicate. 

Serotonin is involved in regulating mood, sleep anxiety and appetite.

Balanced serotonin levels help our mood, our digestion and help us sleep 

Over 90% of our serotonin is made in our gut ( another example of the brain gut connection)

One source of serotonin is creation from another chemical called tryptophan- ( trip-toe-fan) which we get from what we eat

One way of supporting our own natural serotonin levels are tryptophan rich foods:

Sources of tryptophan are: 

Salmon, Eggs, Spinach, Nuts and Seeds, Chicken and Turkey ( part of the reason everyone feels so sleepy after eating Christmas Lunch!)