Bloggin Noggin
One thing you can do tonight ( and every night ) to help support your immune system.
Sleep. In these scary and uncertain times our immune systems are facing a potential unknown threat. This in itself is stressful which is not beneficial for the intricacies of our immune system response. The good news is sleep is a key component to helping us feel better and supporting our immune systems year round.
10 things to try for a better nights sleep
My top ten tips for a better nights sleep. I ask all my patients about sleep. It’s so important for general health and well being. Taking into account research and my own experience here are my top 10 tips for a better nights sleep.
What happens when you close your eyes at night?
I always used to judge how well I’d slept initially by how well I remembered my dreams and what type of dream it was. It seems that dreams are only one part of a four stage puzzle.
7 things I’ve learned about sleep and health
Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our overall health and sense of wellbeing. How well we sleep plays a role in how we feel on a day to day basis as well as having an impact on our immune system & our ability to fight simple illnesses and how we make choices especially in relation to our food choices (and it isn’t always positive).
Brain Health
Can sleep help our memory?
Sleep and Memory is a big area for those researching risk factors of for dementia but what about on a day to day basis- how does sleep affect your memory of what you did today or yesterday?
Why is sleep so important for brain health?
Sleep IS probably the most important thing we can look to improve to look after our brains.
How To Sleep Better
So we’ve established sleep is important to our brains and therefore everything else we do. So how can we sleep better?