Dear Stress, let’s break up

Dear Stress, let’s break up

After the events of 2020 so far, is anyone NOT stressed? Here’s the good news, whilst stress is all around us, our everyday habits can help us tackle stress head on.  Move More - if you are an exercise avoider (like me,) you will always be able to find something more enjoyable to do than get active. The benefits of moving more, sitting less and getting active for our physical and mental health are undeniable and well documented. A mere 20 minutes of activity has been shown to improve our mood for up to 12 hours so making time as part of our morning routine can help you deal with stressful triggers the day may present. Mindfulness and Meditation - Psychological research has shown when our minds wander we are more likely to be unhappy and research from Harvard shows our minds wander up to 47% of the time! Cultivating a mindful approach to the day to day routine helps us focus and be present which helps us feel happier and more optimistic. A regular formal practice of Meditation has been shown to improve anxiety, depression, pain quality of life  as well as maintaining a healthy mind and increase wellbeing  Practice Appreciation and Gratitude - Many studies have shown the link between being grateful and elevated levels of positive feelings. Described as foundation of wellbeing, gratitude has been shown to decrease depression, increase resilience, improve sleep decrease risk of heart disease and improve relationships. Why? Taking time to express gratitude helps us slow down and focus on the present rather than being distracted by the ‘to do list’.  Forgiveness - whilst forgiving those who have hurt or harmed us in some way is not easy, the act of forgiving helps our own wellbeing and has been shown to have significant health benefits The Stanford Forgiveness project has demonstrated that forgiveness reduces stress, anger depression and help with feelings of optimism, as well as supporting our immune system and reducing our risk of heart disease and chronic pain.  Social Networks - connecting with those we care about can have a buffering effect on stress. Supportive positive relationships work both ways - a study of 700 older adults showed that those who gave love and support to others reported significantly fewer health issues.  Sleep - Recognising your sleep is suffering is a corner stone of our mental health and wellbeing. Simple steps to help with sleep include switching devices off in the evening, avoiding caffeine after 2pm, keeping your bedroom cool and having a notebook by your bed to write down worries that pop into your mind before bed.  Keep Well Dr Clara Russell
How to de- stress

How to de- stress

Stress is very common at the moment with so much uncertainty and a lack of control so it’s no wonder that we are frazzled and left feeling exhausted. Many people are on the redundancy rollercoaster too, which can understandably hit confidence, sap energy and create worries about finances and the future.
Tired woman sits at the table with a coffee looking stressed
Brain Health

Is lack of sleep causing you stress?

Did you know that poor sleep quality, or a lack of sleep can be causing you stress? More than just irritability, stress can raise your cortisol levels which isn't great for your brain or your body. Here's our 3 top tips for better sleep that you can try today.
Noggin Nuggget- Take a deep breath….

Noggin Nuggget- Take a deep breath….

Breathing - it’s easy right? We do it without even thinking. Shallow breathing can lead to feelings of stress, nervousness and even fatigue. To get a really deep proper deep breath we have to engage more than just our mouth, nose and lungs.
The S word
Immune System

The S word

Stress is all around us everyday. As we take each day one at  time in these unusual and frightening times our stresses may be different. Rushing to get to work on time and drop the kids off may have been replaced for now by trying to battle with home schooling and manage Zoom calls. Financial and health worries are in the forefront of our every day thoughts in ways that they may not have been before. Loneliness and isolation are the new norm for some of us as we face another day indoors. 
Feeling Stressed? Understanding how stress affects our brain health

Feeling Stressed? Understanding how stress affects our brain health

Defined as an 'adverse reaction people have to pressure and demands placed on them' the good news is that the emotional impact of stress is often temporary. But there's a reason your GP asks how stressed you feel when they see you: stress has a big impact on our whole health, especially our brain health.