As the nights draw in, it's the most important time of the year to take Vitamin D-here's why....

As the nights draw in, it's the most important time of the year to take Vitamin D-here's why....

The role of vitamin D and its importance for childrenVitamin D deficiency is now recognised as pandemic. As very few foods naturally contain vitamin D, it is recognised that the major cause of deficiency is the lack of appreciation that sun exposure in moderation is the major source of vitamin D for most of us. 
Does time really fly?
Brain Health

Does time really fly?

Where does the time go? Hasn’t this year gone quickly? How is it almost July? I blinked and its summer. Have your heard or said any of these in the last few days, chances are you have. Certainly the concept of time - its pace, never having enough, us having a lack of control over it - is something that we talk about often. But what is it that we really mean? Why does it ‘go so quickly’ and can we get more of it?
Screen time and kids- does it matter?
Brain Health

Screen time and kids- does it matter?

A report released by Common Sense Media in 2017 states that 8 to 12-year-olds spend an average of 4 hours and 36 minutes every day on screen media.
Vitamin D in the headlines

Vitamin D in the headlines

With stories in the news last week about the super powers of the sunshine vitamin we wanted to explain a bit more about the role of vitamin D and its importance for children.
Brain Health and MS -how we learnt that small changes matter
Brain Health

Brain Health and MS -how we learnt that small changes matter

Having a relative with Multiple Sclerosis was one of the inspirations behind Noggin. MS is another one of these conditions with a funny name that affects both brain and body, often in many unseen ways. MS is often diagnosed in young people and with a massive range of symptoms affecting each person differently on any one day is a very challenging condition for doctors to treat and for people and their families to live with. 
Brain Health

Can sleep help our memory?

Sleep and Memory is a big area for those researching risk factors of for dementia but what about on a day to day basis- how does sleep affect your memory of what you did today or yesterday?
How to eat your way to a great mood!

How to eat your way to a great mood!

Spoiler-B Vitamins are pretty important It goes without saying that eating food we enjoy is one of life’s great pleasures, and so it should be.  It’s no coincidence that nature provided us with a whole raft of delicious, colour-rich, highly nutritious foods to relish and, as importantly, to feel good!  
Why is sleep so important for brain health?

Why is sleep so important for brain health?

Sleep IS probably the most important thing we can look to improve to look after our brains.
How To Sleep Better

How To Sleep Better

So we’ve established sleep is important to our brains and therefore everything else we do. So how can we sleep better?
Brain and Mental Health
Brain Health

Brain and Mental Health

At Noggin we believe the brain is amazing but undervalued. It controls everything we do. It is the operating system for our entire lives. And yet, be honest, how much thought do we really give to looking after it?