How to de- stress

How to de- stress

Stress is very common at the moment with so much uncertainty and a lack of control so it’s no wonder that we are frazzled and left feeling exhausted. Many people are on the redundancy rollercoaster too, which can understandably hit confidence, sap energy and create worries about finances and the future.
Keep It Simple
Mental Health

Keep It Simple

Keep it simple - post Covid our brains have faced complex challenges Many of us have faced multiple challenges whilst navigating lockdown and the new normal. Our work, downtime, family lives, parenting and pastimes have all merged into a tangle of confusion, new ways of being and thinking. Our reliance on technology has also meant we’re spending more time in front of screens and even little things have become overwhelming. So, it's no wonder many of us are feeling flat and frazzled.
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Mental Health

Feeling Overwhelmed?

We’ve all been navigating the challenges of Covid and there’s no doubt it’s taken its toll on our brain health, mental wellbeing and general health, in one way shape or form. Juggling home schooling, WFH, risk of redundancy, health concerns and adapting to the ’new normal’ are just some of the complex challenges we are facing. Here are some nutritional tips and lifestyle suggestions on how to improve your mood and limit the damage caused by stress and anxiety.
Is lack of sleep causing you stress?

Is lack of sleep causing you stress?

Three solutions to help you get some shut eye. According to the UK Sleep Council working from home is having a negative impact on our sleep. This is due to working longer hours, juggling childcare, looking after our parents and the demarcation lines of when work begins and ends becoming blurred.
Switch off with a Podcast
Mental Health

Switch off with a Podcast

Now more than ever it’s a good idea to turn on tune in and drop out and lose yourself in a podcast.Switching off from your daily routine or just allowing your brain to take time out are great for your mental wellbeing and brain health. Here are some of our favourite podcasts:
Little ways to boost your mood
Mental Health

Little ways to boost your mood

There is plenty to be down in the mouth about at the moment- especially if you put on the news or scroll through social media.  Whilst the little things may not be able to change the course of a global pandemic, they can make a difference to how you feel and how you deal with the difficulties that may be going on around you Here’s some science backed ways that can make a wee difference to how your feel- 
Take a break
Mental Health

Take a break

Take time off, hug a tree or head to the seaside to enjoy your own version of a holiday - your brain needs a break.
What's on your plate?

What's on your plate?

Nutrition cheat sheet  What we eat gives us energy to survive and thrive. But what are we actually eating and how does it benefit us, or not? Let’s break it down.
Hello? Is it me you are looking for....
Brain Health

Hello? Is it me you are looking for....

Neurotransmitters- how our brain cells communicate.  Big word, complicated topic- what does this mean and why does it matter for your brain health. 
Why Yoga is Good for Brain Health
Brain Health

Why Yoga is Good for Brain Health

There is nothing new about the practice of yoga having been around for many centuries particularly in Eastern Cultures. In recent years, yoga has become increasingly popular world wide for its benefits both in physical and mental health.  Yoga is the most popular form of complementary therapy and has been shown to help with relaxation and mindfulness practice as well its many benefits to physical health. 
The Sound of Silence
Brain Health

The Sound of Silence

Between Zoom calls, home schooling, devices and just generally more people in your house than there would normally  be during the day lockdown has been noisy. Whilst the roads remained silent and the shops were boarded up there was an eery silence on our streets - yet indoors things were very different. 
5 ways you can help your Immune System every day
Immune System

5 ways you can help your Immune System every day

As the global pandemic marches on, being mindful of our health and wellbeing is essential. As we start to move around a little more, possibly return to the workplace or even go on holiday it is important we remember that we need to look after ourselves.