Take a break
Mental Health

Take a break

Take time off, hug a tree or head to the seaside to enjoy your own version of a holiday - your brain needs a break.
What's on your plate?

What's on your plate?

Nutrition cheat sheet  What we eat gives us energy to survive and thrive. But what are we actually eating and how does it benefit us, or not? Let’s break it down.
Hello? Is it me you are looking for....
Brain Health

Hello? Is it me you are looking for....

Neurotransmitters- how our brain cells communicate.  Big word, complicated topic- what does this mean and why does it matter for your brain health. 
Why Yoga is Good for Brain Health
Brain Health

Why Yoga is Good for Brain Health

There is nothing new about the practice of yoga having been around for many centuries particularly in Eastern Cultures. In recent years, yoga has become increasingly popular world wide for its benefits both in physical and mental health.  Yoga is the most popular form of complementary therapy and has been shown to help with relaxation and mindfulness practice as well its many benefits to physical health. 
The Sound of Silence
Brain Health

The Sound of Silence

Between Zoom calls, home schooling, devices and just generally more people in your house than there would normally  be during the day lockdown has been noisy. Whilst the roads remained silent and the shops were boarded up there was an eery silence on our streets - yet indoors things were very different. 
5 ways you can help your Immune System every day
Immune System

5 ways you can help your Immune System every day

As the global pandemic marches on, being mindful of our health and wellbeing is essential. As we start to move around a little more, possibly return to the workplace or even go on holiday it is important we remember that we need to look after ourselves.
Anxious about getting back to work in the new normal?
Mental Health

Anxious about getting back to work in the new normal?

Whilst the Sunday Scaries used to be limited to the end of the weekend feeling, we are now in a whole new world when it comes to the prospect of returning to work and what that means in terms of our mental and physical health. Self care and awareness of our own worries has never been more important. 
How to sleep in a heatwave

How to sleep in a heatwave

How to sleep in a heatwave: the science says to drink this hot drink before bed in hot weather There’s nothing worse than not getting a good night’s sleep and at the moment with the UK temperatures hitting the high notes, it can be tricky to get a proper night’s rest.
Dance, lift weights or get creative to help your Brain Health.
Brain Health

Dance, lift weights or get creative to help your Brain Health.

Evidence backed ways to help improve memory and brain function   Latest research published this month has reviewed non medication options to help prevent memory loss and cognitive decline in the 50+ age group. Aerobic exercise, resistance training, creative art, story telling and dancing all shown to have help brain health in a review of the evidence for those over 50.  What the researchers found was this:
5 ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimers disease
Brain Health

5 ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimers disease

5 ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimers disease Can a combination of every day lifestyle changes reduce your risk for Alzheimers dementia even when you are in an age group that is at most risk? From all we’ve read and researched we at Noggin know that lifestyle matters for supporting your brain and mental health - that is why we are so passionate about brain health.
How does the New Normal feel for you?
Mental Health

How does the New Normal feel for you?

As we slowly start to emerge from lockdown, how can we rebuild confidence, positivity and support our mental wellbeing ? As a GP and a Mum and wife, I know only too well the anxiety we can face when we are about to take on the 'new normal’.
Brain Food
Brain Health

Brain Food

What we eat makes a difference to both how we feel and the health of our brain. This is something that I hadn’t realised was as important as it is until I started researching brain health a few years ago. Why does what we eat matter so much for our brain?